The incidents occurred on 8 March as a result of protests by several rural entrepreneurs and farmers during the winter. Tractors met with them early in the morning and the atmosphere gradually warmed up. At one point, these farmers tried to enter Parliament by force. The Foral Police could not close the door at first and there were moments of tension as the door was about to enter. The Executive and the President of Parliament described this as a "very serious event", as they tried to attack the chamber, represented by all the Navarros.
The defence of farmers has explained that they have reached an agreement with the prosecutor’s office. Thus, the 19 accused have been sentenced to 8 months ' imprisonment for a crime of public disorder, serious disobedience, attack on the authority ' s agent and cause minor injuries. It could not be forgotten that they had charged the police. Despite the fact that the Government and the Parliament of Navarre wanted this, it was not considered an attack on the State institutions.
Zur eta lur hartu dituzte Nafarroako Berdintasun teknikariek festa girorako enpresa zenbaitek egindako proposamenak. Edalontzia estaltzeko tapak edo eta edarian drogarik dagoen ikusteko eskumuturrekoak.
Pamplona, 1939. At the beginning of the year, the bullring in the city was used as a concentration camp by the Francoists. It was officially capable of 3,000 prisoners of war, at a time when there was no front in Navarre, so those locked up there should be regarded as prisoners... [+]