The Social Forum puts an end to its path after ten years of support for conflict resolution
  • Reaching most of the targets set in 2013, the Social Forum considers that it is time to respond to current challenges with new tools. He pointed out that we still need to keep on walking in order to put an end to the prisoners' emergency measures, to recognize the victims of the State or to continue building their memory. A hearing will be held on Saturday in Durango.
Lide Iraola 2023ko urtarrilaren 18a
Hamar urteko lana egin du Foro Sozialak gatazkaren konponbidean aurrerapausoak ematen laguntzen. /Argazkia: Foro Soziala

The Social Forum concludes its work after ten years. The decision has been communicated by Eitb and the Forum will be formalised on Saturday in Durango. He was born in 2013 with the intention of working on the solution of the Basque conflict. Most of the objectives set out at this beginning have been considered to have been achieved, although it is acknowledged that further progress is still needed, but to do so they want to opt for "new tools".

Since June the process of internal debate has been under way with the 17 entities that make up the Social Forum and a part of citizenship. The conclusions will be made known on Saturday and, in the short term, the initiatives that will be carried out to complete definitively will be explained.

In 2013 and 2014, the first Social Forums were held in which twelve councils were defined to "free" the conflict. From these, it follows that eleven have been obtained or in the process of being obtained. These advances have been divided into four areas: the first, the abandonment of weapons by ETA in 2017 and the dissolution of the organization in 2018; the second, the consensus of all victims to be "truth, reparation and justice"; the one of the prisoners, who are about to end the dispersion, and the "solution framework" to refute the remaining measures of exception; and, finally, the progress towards an unjustified, self-report.

Ten years working towards a solution

Until 2016, three Social Forums were held, the first two to define the twelve lines of work, including the third focused on disarmament. In October 2016, the Permanent Social Forum was presented on the fifth anniversary of the Aiete Peace Conference. Besides the citizens who have participated, the Forum is composed of 17 actors: ELA, LAB, CCOO, Steilas and ESK, Ahotsak, Bake Bidea, Baketik, Peace and Dignity; Sare, Etxerat, Egia Zor Fundazioa; Gernihitka Batzordea; Bilhitri