The Prosecutor's Office Requests Prison for Sara Majarenas and Her Daughter's Aggressor
  • A court hearing has been held on Tuesday for the assault on Majarenas and his daughter by a police officer. The Prosecutor ' s Office has requested a 30-year prison sentence for the aggressor, while the private prosecution has joined the petition.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko ekainaren 11
Sara Majarenas eta honen alaba Izar etxeratzeko eskatuz Donostian egindako mobilizazioa (Arg.: Izarrekin Sara etxera plafatorma)

In 2017, when Majarenas was in prison, her ex-partner tried to murder her two-year-old daughter on a weekend in which the girl was in charge. The trial for the aggression against Sara Majarenas and her daughter was held this Tuesday at the Provincial Court in Valencia, according to the Prosecutor’s Office. In it, the Prosecutor's Office has requested a 30-year prison sentence for the aggressor and the private prosecution has joined the petition.

The lawyer of Majarenas has agreed with the request for punishment, although he has stated that they are in favour of the prison benefits associated with training sessions. They have also insisted that security measures would be necessary after the perpetrator ' s conviction has been fulfilled.

The aggressor was released on 15 February, as the judge of Picassent (Valencia, Catalan Countries) argued that a medical report was expected and that by then the investigation had been extended "excessively". The judge considers that provisional imprisonment was an "emergency measure" that would only be applied if it were "objectively necessary". The man, who has been on provisional release since then, has in force an order to remove Majarenas and the oven, a ban on entering the CAV and an obligation to wear a telematic bracelet. The family of Mararenas, for its part, has reported that their pulse has already been mistaken on a couple of occasions. That is why the private prosecution has called for the aggressor to be imprisoned until the sentence is passed.

The family members of Majarenas stated yesterday that they live in a "state of emergency" and that they fear not only the aggressor, but also the justice: “The fear is double; that of the free assassin and that of the Spanish justice”.