The prosecutor has also called for great sanctions in the case of “welcome”: nearly six years for each defendant
  • Prosecutor Carlos García Berro has applied for five years and seven months in prison for Oihana Garmendia, Oihana San Vicente, Haimar Altuna, Felipe San Epifani Pipe, Kai Saez de Egilaz and Antton Lopez Ruiz for the “welcome” to political prisoners between 2016 and 2020.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2024ko maiatzaren 24a
Argazkia: Noaua

The prosecutor has divided his sentences into two crimes: on the one hand, by “setting up and running a criminal organisation”, which requires a prison sentence of three years and six months, and on the other, by “continuously humiliating the victims and exalting the terrorists”, two years and one month.

The investigating judge is Manuel García Castellón and in his indictment the six members of the Abertzale left “systematically organized” more than 120 welcome to receive the prisoners within the dynamic Kalera Kalera.

Now the accusations and the prosecution have followed the same path, but AVT has requested nine years in jail for each and eight years and eight months for each.

In any case, there are major criminal lawsuits, taking into account the current context, among other things, that ETA abandoned its armed activity thirteen years ago, and that most of those welcome are already in the private sphere.