By philosophy and ethics
Nafarroako hainbat irakasle 2022ko ekainaren 22a

Beyond the worst predictions, the draft curriculum of the Department of Education of Navarra has set philosophy a minimum school hour. While we thought that the implementation of the LOMLOE would strengthen philosophy and critical thinking, we were surprised to see the proposed development of the law developed by the Department of Education of Navarra.

In the case of Compulsory Secondary Education, the subject of Education in Civic and Ethical Values will have an hour a week, an insufficient allocation to meet the educational requirements of the subject and that also condemns it to be absolutely neglected. Therefore, to offer ethical values in all courses (1 and 2). In the ESO two hours a week) it will be taught only in two courses and one hour.

Although it is difficult to predict the impact of the new law, it seems to us a pedagogical error to reduce the hours of Ethical Values due to the trajectory of the ESO. Because the proposal of the Department of Education makes it impossible to develop the contents and competencies that work on ethical values.

"Although we thought that the implementation of the LOMLOE was going to strengthen Philosophy and critical thinking, we were surprised by the proposed development of the law developed by the Department of Education of Navarra"

In addition, in the surrounding autonomous communities, such as the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, new subjects have been created related to philosophy and critical thinking, guaranteeing a minimum number of hours to teach them with dignity, for example, ensuring subjects related to the Philosophical discipline during all ESO courses: Education of Civic and Ethical Values 1.DBH, Critical and Autonomous Thinking (2/3.DBH) or Philosophy 4.DBH. In addition, they have made the same educational wager in the Baccalaureate stage: Proposing applications such as Social Anthropology, Conflicts and Social Relations in the contemporary world or Psychology. In Navarra we would also like a similar bill, expanding the importance of Philosophy in all academic trajectories.

For all these reasons, the subscribing faculty asks the Department of Education:

That the education in Civic and Ethical Values for the achievement of the objectives of the curriculum go from one to two hours to dignify and give efficacy to the subject. Because the deficiencies of a subject of only one hour are evident to meet the needs of the students and to carry out the curricular objectives.

In relation to the first measure, it is proposed to assign Educational Care to the Philosophy Seminar, since the objectives that this new subject may have are equivalent to Ethical Values. If we want to emphasize critical thinking based on reason, active attitude of coexistence and equality, or ethical responsibility, we believe that matter should be imparted by qualified experts in the field.

To ensure the critical line of competence we ask that the presence of subjects related to the Philosophical discipline be increased in the ESO and in the Baccalaureate, so that the students, through the elective subjects, have among their options at least the following subjects: Critical thinking in ESO or Social Anthropology and Psychology at Baccalaureate.

Maintain in the Baccalaureate the minimum number of hours allocated in the educational reform prior to the subjects related to the Philosophical discipline (Philosophy, History of Philosophy and Psychology).


* Written by 150 professors from Navarra