Doubts. One option or another. Or the opportunities that are unknown to me. Possibilities: those that occur to me, those that are, those that can be and those that are about to be. How do you know? More than how to know, what to know. Doubts are in reality. Realities. Knowledge is always situated in a concrete reality.
Human beings have doubts about different realities. The human being is of a social nature. In social contexts, the social reality needs human beings. All located in time. Time.
And playing with heuristics.
Dalí and the fused clocks, a representation of time passing differently. Fused clocks. Lewis Carroll and Alice's Rabbit. And back to the classics, the importance of time without Cronos's clock. Watches: from the clepsidra or the water clock to the hourglass, to the old Huygens pendulum, to the screens of today’s mobiles. Time. Life is time. From the celebration of birth and murder to different representations: Images of the hands of the cave of Gargas in the Pyrenees, the Sistine Chapel and the refuge of Zaratustra. My dear Borges. Dear Oteiza.
As Hypatia said, thoughts are more powerful than realities. Man. Natura versus nurtura. Is that the case? According to the reflection on the power of Aristotle and the situations, it may or may not be so, because everything can be in power. Buddhism also says that the result of what is being and what can be changing. Hegel situates the nucleus in reconstructive dynamics between thesis, antithesis and synthesis according to dialectic dynamics. The reality from the point of view of phenomenology is the clash between Leibniz and Kant. Lorenz's equations and chaos theory. And looking at Mandolina and the woman from Braque or Picasso, I see reality as a dynamic and changing plane composed by the sum of different shifting planes. And it's wonderful. Whether by chance or not, happiness is a wonderful thing. Talking with etymology: a pleasure.
I don't know if man is good or bad by nature: Retrieving the debate between Hobbes and Locke and recalling again in that view the dish of the lentils of Esau and Jacob, the Getto de Varsobia, and Irena Sendlerowa the “Angel of Warsaw”. And I didn't know. Maybe. According to Kuhn, several paradigms have the power to condition thought thinking; Turne believes that society has a great influence on the human being; and the influence of biology on character (for example: As far as Gray, Eysenk, Morris are concerned, and taking all of this into account, I will know what my own or my own is, and what the paradigm, the environment or biology is. Proportions. Measures. Middle road of the Pali Canon. Balance and philosophical funambulists. Effects. The straight and indirect and the influences of the variables that we cannot know are in dance. Sarabandea from Suite No. 4 in Haendel. It's pretty.
Beauty. It's beautiful because it interrupts your brain's thoughts and produces a pleasure that doesn't make me reflect. Thinking brings me a pleasure that I don't want to give up, and I like pleasure. Among the phylogenetic gifts we have the nucleus accumbens. Also serotonin. Dopamine, of course. Hotado Tests. Balance and eudemonism.
According to the dialogue between hedonism and eudemonism, we can have access to well-being through the achievement of ethical pleasure in accordance with the achievement of fair and honest objectives in life. Ethics. Kant's categorical imperative. The golden law of Christianity and different religions: don't do to others what you don't like. At least without asking, at least not knowing it’s painful… At least. Cow. Cows pondering. Bucolic pictures. Orsay Museum. Impressionism and lack of definition in the representation of reality. Manet and Monet. “Impression of the rising sun.”
The sun. Ra. Egyptians. Orion belt. The ethics of the pyramids and their lack. Workers' rights. Labor strikes in the context of the Ramses III era. Work strikes. Marx and Engels. Alienation. Drakonian contexts. Luis XVI.ena and guillotine. Versailles and the hall of mirrors. Earth and Heaven. Demons of the earth. Leviathan. Power and risk of corruption. Lack of empathy. Always. In fact? Evidence of the influence of epigenetics? Hairless apes? Worse? Murderous origin of the acquired leather ball. It's about the game. Objective yes, origin no. Cruelty of neoliberalist dynamics. The rise in the prices of bananas on the stock market, the economic enrichment of some corbatados and the ethical ruin in millions of uncelebrated killings.
Luther's thesis. Tripalium. They wanted to bring the work, eudemonism and serotonin from the sky to Earth. Maze of Minos. Greek reproduction of Narciso (yes, in Grembel, the text revolves around the green animalitos). Pigmalion replied: Who is Galatea? The enemy of reality? Who is it?
Parenthood. Parents watch love and care without property. Anyone can be the father. Biology and ethics. Not the birth of utopia. The failure of the falansteria. Thomas Moro and Charles Fourier are sad. Who is happy in the “Happy World”? Let us leave Huxley on a well-deserved break. Beautiful Huxley.
Heraclitus sticks can be understood by holding any branch and putting it in the water. Example of the death of the hypatia in reality between ethics and beauty. Analyzing the work of midwives and the origin of questions, Socrates' mother can understand the world of her child. The dynamics between the plato and the cochero horses can be easily understood by manipulating different weights in the hand balance. Manichaanism, dichotomy, ying yang: you can understand it by feeling the dynamics of the sun and the moon. Hedonism and eudemonism can also be understood by addictions and by cultivating and maintaining the beauty of small things. You can interpret Prince and Leviathan: Machiavelli and Hobbes. Examining the glasses and understanding Spinoza. Locke's empiricism in the importance of reality. The study of the ontogenetic pathway to understand the dialectics of the slopes will also be useful. Heidegger and his broad fiber spirituality. Beauvoir and the importance of the present. And the world of present-day Bauman's current can be easily understood through technological landfills. Examples, for example, are infinite. And in these women are missing: I realize. You also have to dig up the buried knowledge. I am very sorry.
Philosophy also has the power to defend humanity. The tragic consequences of neoliberalist dynamics will be understood by placing them in the acceptance of dynamics that, due to their condition of human beings, renounce ethical equality. And what is incomprehensible or unintelligible can be explained as an opportunity: Heraclitus, as an expression that the present is composed of a course of different realities that are not repeated, affirmed that the stick that was introduced into the water could not be placed in the same place in the same way. A ten-second silence to represent the stick, the water and the river, please. Thank you very much. and 10. We go back. Suppose we're all Heraclitus, and we want to do that test. What do we need? In nature we need streams and clubs; and the arm that holds the stick, the body that has the arm and the body that carries the stick in the water to maintain the time, the will and the will. And there are human beings who live peacefully in nature, who are satisfied with their physiological needs (Maslow) and have the opportunity to do so. Others are not in the same situation, so they must make a short, medium or long journey. Others do not find sticks in this desert area because of the scarcity of trees. Others don't have arms. Others cannot move... Accessibility is necessary for an ethical society: equality is the key to freedom. Within me, the beauty of some of Bakunin's ideas blinds me as much as Haendel and Monet blind me. And you know, I hold the metaphor of fascination with glare.
And all of that what came to? Because it has emerged as a sincere love letter that someone has to write to philosophy with all their heart. And because he who writes has denied philosophy a place that LOMLOE could never be denied in the educational system, and because he has recovered the limbo that's already gone, that's why thanks to the LOMLOE philosophy for restoring its proper place in the educational system. But before I finish, I just want to whisper to your ear. "Sofia (= knowledge) dear": “In fact, you should be the axis of the entire educational system because you have respect, care and real friendship with knowledge (= edge). And thank you for being that you are, take care of FiloSofia.”