They claim that philosophy is an essential subject to interpret reality.
  • With the help of the Association of Agora Philosophy, philosophy professors and agents from different fields met on Friday at the Faculty of Philosophy, Anthropology and Education of Donostia-San Sebastián.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2021eko azaroaren 19a
Argazkia: Agora elkartea

The Association of Agora Philosophy, several high school philosophy teachers and agents of science, journalism, art and other disciplines have denounced that the curricula derived from the latest reform of the Spanish Government Law (LOMLOE) seek to downplay the importance of the subject of philosophy.

The LOMLOE will remove the Ethical Values subject from the 3 courses of the ESO, reduce the hours to Philosophy and Philosophy of Baccalaureate, eliminate the optional Philosophy of the ESO and eliminate the Psychology subject of the Baccalaureate. In this regard, the agents meeting this Friday in Donostia-San Sebastián have stressed that "they will harm the development of critical reflection and, in general, philosophical values".

They ask that the section of the curriculum aimed at developing competencies of complex thought and reflection in the whole of Primary Education be guaranteed, or that, as so far, the 4th ESO Philosophy subject be kept in the list of electives. Working on inclusiveness, Agora members prefer to put students at the center and their comprehensive health and autonomy.

Call for the exercise of regional powers

In order to deal with the cuts, Agora has reminded the Basque Government that it is up to it to propose 50% of the curriculum according to the LOMLOE. "The Basque Government has the competence to dignify and measure the subjects of Philosophy, Ethical Values and Psychology," said the same sources. In this regard, they have shown their complete readiness to cooperate.