The Rikardo Arrangi awards ceremony took place this Wednesday in the Gipuzkoan locality of Andoain. The Journalism Award has been for the Feminizketak series, published in Berria, and the Ikusgela project of the Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea Cultural Association has received the Communication Award. The jury has awarded the milestone of honor to Ana Galarraga Aiestaran, president of the Gipuzkoan association.
Journalists Mirari Martiarena and Idoia Torregarai have presented the event in the Bastero Kulturgunea space of Andoain, and the Mayor of Andoain Andoni Alvarez and the Vice-Minister for Linguistic Policy of the Basque Government, Aitor Aldasoro have taken the floor. At the beginning of this month, the jury selected four finalists from each of the awards, which were announced at the Wednesday gala.
The Journalism Prize has been for the series of Feminizketak interviews published in Berria, by journalists Maite Asensio, Amaia Igartua, Isabel Jaurena and Olatz Silva. Silvia Federici, Sara Ahmed, Vandana Shiva, Rita Segato, Remedios Zafra and Irantzu Varela are some of the women interviewed in the ETB2 program. The prize has been awarded “for the different perspectives reflected in their voices, the present of being filled with Euskera and feminism”, according to the jury. “Every woman has since demonstrated that male violence is part of a political, social and cultural landscape, and has shown that to cope with this it is essential to build a collective feminist memory,” explained Jaurena and Silva when collecting the prize.
Other candidates for journalism were the book Juana de Jon Artano Izeta; and the young Bada medium of Ipar Euskal Herria.
Furthermore, the Communication Awards will also be announced at Andoain. Candidates are as follows: Project of the Cultural Association Wikilarien Euskal Wikilarien Kultura Elkartea “Ikusgela”; podcast by Berria “Ezer ez eta festa”; videopodkasta by EITB “Ez hain ondo”; and podkasta “Flop kultura” by Euskalerria Irratia.
The Communication Award was for the Ikusgela project of the Cultural Association of Basque Wikilaris. It makes available to the public short and informative videos on various topics, “without giving up the depth that the topics require”. In addition, the jury wanted to recognize the Basque Wikipedia “the work done for so many years”. On behalf of the association, Ander Bolibar pointed out that “it is time to make a commitment in the audiovisual field as well. We started in 2020 with this content creation project in Basque and believe that the feedback we receive is good and that we still have things to do and want.”
The journalist of Elhuyar Ana Galarraga Aiestaran has received the Mugarri de honor award. Galarraga, as pointed out by the jury, has made an “exceptional effort and production” to bring to the table the importance of scientific dissemination. In addition, she performs a communicative activity in Basque that “starts from the zero kilometer”, always with a “feminist perspective from north to south”. The jury highlighted that “feminism has become a proton of science and the electron in Euskera. It's one of the atoms that everything is changing and changing. A model that can be repeated.” Ana Galarraga noted that feminists have been accompanied at the meeting: “The best Txorroskilos are feminist friends. You've helped me disassemble all the fake dichotomies: science and letters, nature and culture, male and female, body and mind, expert and active."
Journalist June Fernandez has been one of the finalists of the Journalism Award “Adolescents and Sexual Education: Is porn the problem?”, published in ARGIA. Although the jury “was a topic that caused discomfort in the public debate, journalist June Fernandez turned it into an argument for analysis”, and considered that Fernandez’s report was crude and complete, “because it collected the words of many expert interlocutors in the case”. He also highlighted the contribution of graphic images with which the judges elaborated the report.