Félix Bridge
"Workers need better treatment, which affects the quality of service"
  • The head of the ICUs of the Donostia Hospital, Félix Zubia, has stated in the Basque Country Irratia that doing politics and harming the government or the PNV is not the intention of the health personnel, and that this conflict is not a competition between centers.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2022ko abenduaren 12a
felix zubia elhuyar

Doctor Félix Zubia, who has become particularly popular during the pandemic, is giving voice to the protests of the heads of service at Donostia Hospital, head of the Intensive Care Unit. During the last two Sundays, in the "Health Center" program of the Basque Country Irratia, the Bridge offers the opportunity to learn more about the situation.

On Sunday, first of all, he tried to send three messages to clarify the facts: that they do not intend to do politics and that the one that moves is a public health service; that the vertical model of Osakidetza is very worrying, although the Health Department with decision-making capacity also recognizes it the workers, but consider that the management should take into account the opinion of the workers next to the patients; and that, finally, the excessive rates are In particular, Osakidetza has over 45,000 workers, with a temporary rate of almost 50%. As the Bridge has pointed out, this situation is a consequence of the policies of recent years and should not focus on Donostia: "It's a problem for the entire healthcare system, which comes from the years and is not going to be solved immediately."

He also talked about changing recruitment policies: "In 2006 there was a generational change and then came the economic crisis. The relay of the health staff was not performed correctly, the temporality skyrocketed and the working conditions. What was then seen and not done for economic reasons, is now being paid." It also notes that, in line with the current situation, action will have to be taken in the face of an ageing society, as the demand for health care will increase considerably.

Urkullu "total trust" with the counselor

Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu has absolutely rejected all the noises of resignation and dismissal of the health advisor, Gotzone Sagardui, in the interview offered to the News group on the weekend. It's not going to happen, because there have been "detailed and brilliant explanations" between the advisor and the CEO of Osakidetza, and Urkullu "trusts completely." He believes that the situation will calm down and communicates that, like tranquility, a "process of debate and reflection" opens up: "I do not think we have considered something closed and that it is not possible to improve anything said; now yes, we have the time to receive contributions and listen carefully. He who held the position of interim director at Donostia Hospital, Agustín Agirre, has already said he will meet with all heads of service." (Precisely the new director was denounced for persecuting a worker who revealed irregularities in the OPs).

Sagardui, for the moment in silence

This Monday, Gotzone Sagardui had arranged a hearing at the Health Committee of the Basque Parliament to explain for itself the process of normalization of the Basque Country. That is what Sagardui has confined, which has avoided dozens of questions put by the opposition. "I would remind you that I have the appearance requested in Parliament," Sagardui said. The opposition parties have demanded explanations and called for the resignation of the head of the department in the last week; at the control session on Friday they have already confirmed that the opposition and the health advisor will stand in front.