"Felipe González should leave the match," says the leader of the PSE-EE of Gipuzkoa
  • The Secretary General of the PSE-EE of Gipuzkoa spoke in the Basque Country Irratia on the subject, after the CIA documents linked Felipe González with the creation of the GAL, and said that “what he did should pay for it”. As for the demands of EH Bildu, he has asked him to “do the same for ETA’s losses.”
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko ekainaren 17a
Eneko Andueza Euskadi Irratian. Argazkia: Argazkia:

The secretary general of the PSE-EE of Gipuzkoa, Eneko Andueza, believes that "it is time for the PSOE to tell Felipe González that it is enough". The former president of the Spanish Government has suggested that the PSOE should leave the party after the crisis in Catalonia. In an interview with Euskadi Irratia, González assured that "he has not acted with loyalty" to Pedro Sánchez's Executive, who has accused him of being "infidel". He also recalled the recent report by the Commission on Gonzalez's responsibility for setting up the GAL terrorist organization.

Mr Andueza, far from the blatant responses of other socialist leaders on the origin of the LAGs, has avoided supporting González. "I understand allegiance in politics in a different way," he stressed, adding: “I always condemn it. It's gross. If my party had anything to do with it, it should pay for it. If, after some time, something is not clarified, it will be welcomed. We owe it to the victims.

According to the Gipuzkoan leader, the former president of the Generalitat "has not been loyal to the government and the party" in recent times. Asked about the possible expulsion of the PSOE, González replied that he is "far away" from the identity of his party. Andueza has recognised that he is opposed to the cleanings, even more so to the party’s statutes. “Expulsion may not be possible, but I think at some point we will have to tell you it’s enough.”

Eh Bildu and the PNV had asked to appear in the Spanish Courts to clarify González's relationship with the GAL. When asked about this, Andueza has not delved into the topic too much: "Those things have to be resolved in the courts," he said. Yes, he has taken the opportunity to call on EH Bildu to also "be demanding" in relation to the terrorist group ETA. "EH Bildu can request other hearings in the Basque Parliament. In addition to the LAGs, there are opportunities,” he said. He also pointed out that he would like other formations to "have the same light" with the damage he has caused to ETA.