The Germ of Fascism
Eñaut Alvarez Loidi 2022ko azaroaren 09a

With the failure of the political-military strategy of the Basque National Liberation Movement, the revolutionary movement has been dismantled and the political restraint and assimilation imposed after the change of strategy of the Basque Left has shown that Euskal Herria is totally orphan and defenceless in the face of Spanish and French fascist aggressions.

As the fascists are aware of the socio-political situation of Euskal Herria, they see their presence on the street and their lack of capacity to fight, they will fight our corners and militants with total impunity and without piety. Impunity and attacks by fascists are not new phenomena, the dirty war is known in our country, but Basque Country without confrontation can become a red carpet, a free bar. Yesterday's aggression against the Bar Ezala of Pamplona or the numerous attacks on the symbols of the Villa de la Calle Carbon-de San Sebastián (more than 7 times in a year have removed Ikurriña, a prison banderola, Arrano Beltza, LGTBIQ+ from the collective..) are clear examples of this new situation.

But it is as serious as having given these attacks the lack of capacity that we are demonstrating to respond as a movement of peoples or liberation, which is what has to worry us. The rise of fascism depends on our ability to confront, because there is no other way to stop it. Before it is too late, the passion for the struggle we have shown in previous decades, the capacity for mobilisation and the non-recovery of unity in anti-fascist values will worsen as if attacks intensify.

It is easy to denounce these facts on social networks or make institutional statements, and I will not say that they overtake, but it is clear that this will not provoke them. Fascists use social networks to give a communicative projection to their ideology and political action, so the key is to eliminate their political activity.

For this we need concrete proposals: Let us avoid fascist acts, let us cut through and point out all the machist, transfob, racist or xenophobic expressions, we can put an end to all the symbols of fascism and train ourselves in self-defence in the face of physical attacks to enter networks and recover the streets, even to stifle fascism. There is no other way.

Today, Front National and VOX are the main spokesmen for French and Spanish fascism and take advantage of the elections to spread their message of hatred and strengthen the socio-political position of fascism. Another concrete proposal, we will organize the anti-fascist platforms from people to people to obstruct their normalized manifestations and displace fascists, open platforms structured around anti-fascist values, formed by different individuals and supported by the different agents of the popular movement; a local organization will facilitate the creation of an anti-fascist network.

It is clear that the restructuring of the revolutionary movement is the only guarantee to free Euskal Herria and end fascism, but there is a big difference between not getting anything new and losing everything we have already achieved.