Aintzane Ezenarro, director of the Institute of Memory, Coexistence and Human Rights of the Basque Country (Gogora), has shown the will of Antón Fernández and Josu Murueta to "give the place he deserves in the history of the Basque Country", in a tribute organized by the City Hall of Erandio. Through this event, the series of actions that have been carried out throughout the month of October to remember Fernández and Murueta. The City Hall has organized exhibitions, talks and, on 27 October, a cleaning activity of the Asua River, in which the two people who died for the first time in their lives are honoured.
No one responsible for these murders has ever been known, as EZENARRO has referred to the situation of helplessness suffered by families. She and the mayor, Aitziber Oliban, showed their commitment to disseminate to future generations "those facts that never had to have happened," according to the note.