Residents denounce that the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz has a family without water supply or registration
  • In an abandoned house in the Old Town of Vitoria-Gasteiz lives a couple with three daughters. The City Council has not registered them, so they cannot access basic rights and resources. Contrary to the law, the Auzo Bizi association has also denounced that the City Hall has left no water supply.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 25a
Ura eta errolda eskatu dituzte Fatima eta bere familiarentzat. Argazkia: Auzoan Bizi

"The lack of registration implies the lack of rights for the administration", say the association of residents of the Casco Viejo de Vitoria: it is essential to have a census in order to have the right to health, to use public services, to exercise the right to vote, to obtain aids and benefits in terms of food and housing, to regulate the administrative situation, to guarantee the right to education of children... they report that the city council has immediate registration.

The Auzo Bizi association added that it is something that is "constantly repeated": that the city usually places obstacles to register at home, "demanding that very difficult conditions be met"; and that in the case of people without residence, that the census cannot be achieved blocks the first step to regulate their administrative situation.

No water, no resources and winter nearby

The association has also stressed that Fatima, Budia and the three daughters are without water and has recalled that the law prohibits the cutting of supplies to people in vulnerable situations by 31 December. The point is that the family has been caught up in the game of bureaucracy: "The City Hall, obstructing the family census, refuses to assign the family a ‘vulnerable’ bureaucratic status, even if it is a status created by the administration itself."

Faced with the proximity of winter, Bizi denounces in the neighborhood that they are without supplies and without rights in a house in very precarious conditions. It has asked the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz census and water supply for the family, "we will use all our resources to achieve it".