To access the Vehicles With Driver service you will need to call half an hour earlier in the CAV
  • The multinational Uber has launched its vehicle network in the Biscay capital and in the vicinity of the Biscay capital. Customers must make the request half an hour in advance to use the service of vehicles with driver in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
Igor Galarza Intxausti @IgorGalarza 2019ko azaroaren 04a

On Monday, the three parties (representatives of taxi drivers, representatives of car rental companies (PAC) and the Transport Planning Group of the Basque Government) met to reach an agreement on coexistence in Gipuzkoa, Álava and Bizkaia. They have agreed that in the event of receiving a service of vehicles with a driver they must request it at least half an hour in advance, so that vehicles with a driver will not be able to travel on the streets in search of customers.

The Basque Federation of Taxists calls for “IG cars to respect the rules”. In fact, according to statements published in Deia, the president of the federation, Borja Musons, has reported that “these cars, adrift, were looking for night clients on the streets of Bilbao.”