Women will be the protagonists of this tribute to the prisoners in Ezcaba
  • The Txinparta-Fuerte San Cristobal association will remember “the women who took responsibility for the families, helped the men and suffered other repressions”.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2023ko maiatzaren 17a
2019ko Ezkabako omenaldia.

In 2022, EH Bildu and the Spanish Government agreed to make Ezkaba a space for remembrance for the strength of Franco, to pay tribute to the 207 shot prisoners in the 1938 San Cristobal mass flight and the first tribute after the agreement reached on Sunday. The Txinparta-Fuerte San Cristobal Association will pay tribute this weekend to the prisoners who remained in detention between 1934 and 1945. This year they will offer "a memory for all women who had to take care of families in very difficult situations, who were supported and supported by men in prison and who had to endure different types of prisons and repression".

The association invites to bring a bottle to the tribute with a message, a drawing, a poetry or a flower, since at the end of the act “we will bring another bottle other than ours”, as well as to anyone who wants to send messages to Chispa to be shared in the blog of the association, “to cross the threads of shared memory”, they point out.

On Sunday, in addition to the Ezcaba quote, activities have been organized on Saturday. At Ostoki Civic Center, at 19:00, the documentary We were women in prison, by directors Eva Abad Castellar and Irene Abad Buil, will be offered.