Segada de Pasaia
No killer policemen have been identified, but they will make more attempts
  • The relatives killed in Pasaia have applied for justice and recognition before the San Sebastian Court during the recognition session. Only three of the seven police officers called have come to court.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko martxoaren 28a
Donostiako Auzitegiaren atarian elkarretaratzea egin dute senide eta lagunek. (Argazkia: Pasaia Argitu)

Spanish police officers who participated in the Segada de Pasaia have attempted to identify themselves before the San Sebastian court, 39 years after the events. Two witnesses have participated, Joseba Merino and Rosa Jimeno, who were unable to identify any of those present. Santiago González, a family lawyer for the deceased, has announced that the program will have three police officers who could be related to the killings of four members of the Autonomous Commands and that, to identify those who have not appeared, two new reconnaissance sessions will be held.

During the recognition session, your family and friends meet on the portal. The posters showed reproductions of the autopsies of the four deaths and opened the motto "Investigating and illuminating the Pasaia massacre".

Call for commitment from the Government

Pello Aizpuru, brother of the late Dionisi Aizpuru, stressed that this is a "paradigmatic case of state violence" in this case for "kidnappings, torture and murder" and added that he does not have much hope in the judicial sphere, although he will continue to seek reindeer.

At ARGIA we interviewed Pello Aizpuru: "As for the victims, institutions do not act on an equal footing"

(Photo: Pasaia Argitu)