No monument to barbarism can be preserved!
Txema Landa Aizkorbe @LandaTxema 2024ko apirilaren 18a

For the "Monument to Falls", that is, for those who organized and participated in a coup in July 1936, a pedagogical and didactic solution must be sought that teaches future generations that, although they spend a lot of time, more than 3,700 people have been killed, raped, tortured and robbed of people their properties do not prescribe, that fascism does not receive rewards, that 88 years later has not been able to destroy.

In this space you will be able to build a large park in which, perhaps, you can put an explanatory monolith of what happened in this territory during those years, like that a group of fascists, Mola, Sanjurjo, Rodezno and others, gave a coup that caused a disaster and death. And today it has not been possible to find all the deaths they have caused.

I believe that the only worthy solution is the physical disappearance of the monument and its fascist paraphernalia, which in no case can become a monument to barbarism, nothing like the monument to reason.

There will be time to create a space to remember the barbarism that took place, as well as in the places where barbarism took place: the criminal area of San Cristobal, Pamplona prison, Carlist War Board headquarters and other places so that it does not happen again.

Truth, justice and reparation, so that no one thinks their actions will go unpunished. There will always be a generation that courageously judges its negligence.

Txema Landa Aizkorbe