#EzWeCant campaign in Aiaraldea to denounce violations of language rights in municipal elections and ask for real commitments to parties
  • The hashtag #EzWeCant will be used to publicise the campaign. The Council of Euskalgintza in Aiaraldea has contacted the political parties to invite them to make concrete commitments. In addition, a collection of signatures has been launched on the platform, which will be operational in Barcelona.
Txabi Alvarado Bañares 2019ko martxoaren 25
Martxoaren 22an aurkeztu zuten kanpaina. Argazkia:

The Basque Council for Culture in Aiaraldea presented this afternoon the campaign for the Basque elections in May. The objectives of the project are “to introduce Euskera in the municipal election campaign” and “to place the demand for linguistic rights in the institutions of Aiaraldea on the political agenda”.

“At the institutional level, as in many other areas, the Basques have a clear inability to live fully in Euskera: we are second-class citizens often before the institutions and, worst of all, we see that the rights granted to us by the current legislation, the decrees and the consensus criteria are violated every year”, explained in a press conference, “the most serious thing is that this situation is considered normal and that the necessary measures are not taken to end.”

The Council has contacted the political parties to make three main requests public: That the candidates be Euskaldunes or undertake to learn Euskera in the legislature, that the electoral campaign will also take place in Euskera and that in the political programmes 11 concrete measures will be taken for the normalization of Euskera.

Collection of signatures

In addition, they have launched a collection of signatures to denounce the violation of language rights and to encourage the parties to make the aforementioned commitments. The hashtag #EzWeCant will be used to publicise the campaign.

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