You won't like it but he will take care of you
  • We forget the spring and the wonderful treatments to clean the liver begin to arrive, which I read the word detox in the last days in the window of the candle or in social networks. They are all wonderful, effective and fast, promising to live healthy. It does not exist, it is not possible, it is not possible. We have not soiled the liver in the short term, nor can we even clean it in the short term. In addition, it is not appropriate, since those who already have an overload of work the urgent cleaning will cause fatigue.
Garbiñe Larrea Iturralde 2024ko martxoaren 18a
Negakina. Argazkia: Dani Blanco.

Medicinal plants from abroad are also used for these detoxes, but there are many medicinal plants that clean the liver and are often wild. We look at one of them, the crying (Fumaria officinalis).

“That? That weed? Are you really doing it? The rabbit doesn’t eat that either!” he said agitated when I told him that a man from Aizpurutxo, the baserritarra himself, had to take it by infusion drying it. It was hard for me to see that a foreign medicinal herb, preferably in pills, was better and that it had a perfect remedy for the weed growing between leeks in the garden. He came back after the spring and told me the phrase that gave me the title: “I don’t want that herb much but he has cared for me.”

I have recently been reading a monograph from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), a report devoted entirely to crying. In it you can read data of interest. Many think that we drink only from sources of popular or traditional use and that is not the case, as in vivo several medicinal plants are researched and it is important to know about them.

In the monograph it is considered proven that it originates a new gallbladder that improves this leak and favors the expulsion of the old gallbladder, hence benefit to the liver. It has been proven to be effective in treating the sensation of fullness that occurs immediately after eating and that it is antioxidant as well as antibacterial. It usually treats digestive disability and headache caused by it. There are more lines of research, but at the moment without clear conclusions.

To obtain these benefits, it is enough to desiccate the pececillos, leaves and flowers of the weeping and take an infusion every morning in the spring without adding fasting soft drinks. Depending on the person you can do a ninth or quarantine, if during any time discomfort occurs, stop taking it.

It is not available during pregnancy and lactation. It is not suitable for children and adolescents. It cannot be used if stones, golden gallbladder or vessels are blocked in the bile. There are polyps or severe liver disease. Most drugs that make the liver work are incompatible, in case the doctor is consulted before taking them. The excess of red blood cells in the blood should be taken little and in the short term (one week a month).