Inhar Ugarte
"I don't see myself climbing the podium with the Spanish t-shirt"
  • The getxoztarra pelotari Inhar Ugarte has refused to play with the Spanish team, along with his two teammates Asier Aspuru and Ekhi Ziarrusta. Ugarte told us that even if he had played another sport, he would also have ratified his decision.
Hiruka .eus Kerman Santiago Alkorta 2019ko maiatzaren 07a
Ugarte goiko ilaran hirugarrena eskumatik hasita (Argazkia: Alvaro Suso)

In 2007 Ugarte received the first call to play with the Spanish team at the FIFA U-22 World Cup. Among other things, he refused to play in the World Cup in France and Mexico in 2010 and 2014, respectively. This year, for its part, has refused to compete in the World Cup held in Paris.

"I don't see myself climbing the podium with the Spanish t-shirt and while I listen to the hymn," Ugarte acknowledges. He has also recommended that all pelotaris follow their path: "Then it would weaken the selections of France and Spain, since 90% of the pelotaris are Basque."

Ugarte has been convinced that he has made "a coherent decision": "In life each one does what he wins, and the decision each one makes is respectable. I think I have been consistent, because I would not like to play with the Spanish team."

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