David del Valle, Deputy Director of the Basque Institute of Legal Medicine
“There is no evidence that stings are chemical submission”
  • David del Valle, deputy director of the Basque Institute of Legal Medicine, has said this. In addition, the Ertzaintza and the municipal police have announced that parties will be held to ensure that they are not punched in street clothes.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko abuztuaren 04a
Itaiak Gasteizen egindako mobilizazioa. Argazkia: Gasteizko Itaia, @Itaia_Gasteiz Twitterren.

More and more people think that with the stings they don't want to get the chemical submission. Osakidetza is David del Valle, coordinator of the police and courts on call, as well as deputy director of the Basque Institute of Legal Medicine (AMEI). The call has received your statements. The Deputy Director says that a message of tranquillity must be sent to society and to women who may be victims of punctures. He adds that there is no certainty that stings are a new way to achieve chemical submission.

The opinion is similar, the Energy Control programme. The programme provides information, advice and analysis of substances for the management of pleasures and risks, and notes the following in relation to stings: “Not detecting substances does not necessarily mean that they are substances that are rapidly removed from the body, but that they may not inject substances.” He points out that the focus should be on the aggressors, on the sexual aggressors, because they are the ones who are willing to take advantage of the situation of fear of women.

The Deputy Director of SWOT explains that there are punctures, but they do not know what they are, what they are doing, whether something has been introduced or what the goal behind it is. However, feminist movements are clear: they want to create fear, as Euskal Herriko Bilgune Femninista, and Itaia, who has called for mobilizations in Vitoria, San Sebastian and Bilbao, have said.

However, Del Valle stressed that “we should be much more careful about what stings are and what they suppose” and added that stings are one thing and another “in a festive spectacle where possible sexual assaults occur, toxic consumption of psychoactive substances, especially alcohol”.

Response from the Basque Government

He met on Tuesday to coordinate with the Judges of Osakidetza, the Ertzaintza and AMEI. In order to better serve the people who may be the subject of joint punctures and not to victimize them “for our own work,” explains Del Valle. The meeting took place in Donostia, with the presence of the Mayor of San Sebastian, Eneko Goia, the Councilman for Citizen Security, Martín Ibabe, the Director of the Ertzaintza, Victoria Landa, and the Head of the Ertzaintza, Josu Bujanda.

During the festivities a greater number of Ertzainas and municipal police, uniformed and street dresses have been announced, in the nightlife areas and on public holidays. Those responsible indicate that they want to deal with the bites. But some people criticize it, for example, Bilgune Feminist says: “This model of security does not make us feel free, but victimizes us even more. We get hit by the masculinity model that the police embody and the same system of domination that keeps it. We don’t need police to be free.”