"It's not time for cuts in basic social benefits"
  • The LAB trade union has pointed out that social security has assumed the minimum income that is in principle the responsibility of social services. He explained that it does not bring any benefit to the Basques of Hegoalde and that it entails an increase in bureaucratisation, "to the detriment of the recipients". It has asked the Basque Government and the Government of Navarra to equate the amount with the Minimum Labour Wage (SMI).
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LAB has stated that the integration of the basic income of subsistence approved by the Spanish Government with the income of Navarra and the CAV "will increase the complexity and bureaucratization" in the processing of these incomes "to the detriment of the beneficiaries".

"Social security has taken care of this issue, which was out of its scope"

The union has pointed out that income from minimum income is part of social assistance and exclusive competences in social services. "It is therefore not, as the PNV says, that social security has been decentralised. Social security has taken on this issue that was out of its scope."

No to the citizens of Hego Euskal Herria

LAB has explained that the Spanish Government's recently approved minimum living income "would in no way affect the benefits of the RGI in the CAV and the Guaranteed Income in Navarra, which have a lower amount". "It would not even extend the coverage to a larger number of people in need, as the conditions for access to it are more restrictive. For example, those over 65 and migrants without papers would be excluded." The Argilan-ESK platform ensures that children under the age of 21 would be excluded.

LAB presents the black CAV numbers: "As specified in the 2018 CAPV Poverty and Social Inequalities Survey, 70,000 people are in poverty with a social benefit and 70,000 people in poverty, and many others who, despite living the same situation, do not have access to the social protection system. The minimum subsistence income does not take any steps in this direction".

In view of this, the union considers that the key lies in "how we articulate a Basque system of social protection that guarantees coverage for all people living in situations of social exclusion".

Request for the non-reduction of the IGR in the CAPV and the Minimum Working Wage in Navarre

Calls on PNV, PSE and the Government of Navarra to halt the reform of the GFR in the CAV to bring the GFR into line with the Interprofessional Minimum Wage (SMI). The latter was the proposal presented by the Charter of Social Rights of the Basque Country in both parliaments (equitation with the SMI), gathered in the demands of the general strike of 30 January.

"It is not time for cutbacks in basic social benefits. This is the time to extend social protection to more citizens and better able to cope with the increase in vulnerability situations after the pandemic," LAB added.