Prosecutor in the case of José Perals Altsasu
"If we do not consider the Altsasu as terrorism, we will return to the times when Segi and Segi did what they wanted"
  • The prosecutor José Perals has used definitions such as "fascism", "holocaust" or "manada" to accuse the youth of Altsasu of the crime of terrorism.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2018ko apirilaren 27a
Espainiako Auzitegi Nazionaleko fiskala da Jose Perals.

The prosecutor, endorsing the thesis of the Civil Guard, defends that what happened in the Koxka bar was an act of terrorism and therefore reiterates the petitions between 12 and 62 years. "If we don't consider this terrorism, we will go back 20 years, to the times when Segi and Segi did what they wanted on the street," he added. Perals reiterates that the Go From campaign is dictated by ETA and that not only the defendants, but also the mayor of Altsasu –Javier Ollo Martínez de Geroa Bai– is part of this strategy when he uses terms such as "political conflict".

The two-week trial at the Spanish National Court will continue next Thursday.

Bel Pozueta, mother of Adur Ramírez de Alda and elephant of the families, says that "they fear for the lives of our children." These are statements to the media outside the court on Thursday afternoon. "The simple confrontation in a bar has tried to link to the proclamation of Get Out of Here and from there, entering under the theory of "everything is AND" so that we can punish our children."