No goodbye, Tuvalu
  • In December 2022, the small island state of Tuvalu announced its move to Metabertso. The archipelago, of only 26 square kilometres, risks swallowing the seas with its ascent, and that is why they want to ensure their permanence in cyberspace. Foreign Minister Simon Kofe spoke to participants at COP 26 in Glasgow in 2021 entering the water to the knees, saying that “As our territory is disappearing, we have no choice but to become the world’s first digital nation. Our land, our sea and our culture are the most appreciated goods of our nation and we will bring them into the fog to save them from their destruction.”
Gill Barron Simon Fairlie 2023ko martxoaren 06a
Tuvaluko Atzerri ministro Simon Kofek -argazkian COP26ko partaideei mintzatzen itsasoko uretan belaunetaraino sartuta- iragarri du bere herrialdea Metabertsora pasatuko dela, ozeanoak urperatu baino lehen.

Kofe has achieved the objective of appearing in the press in broad lines, but his proposal to withdraw to virtual reality can be one of the most representative symbols of an eco-pessimism that has become fashionable in recent years. All of a sudden, voices are heard that eliminate agriculture, feed humanity with synthetic food, depart from the natural world and return to an Eden from stories, claim Regégenesis. In this dystopia, the peasants and pastors of the world move on their screens to the apartments of the skyscrapers to see on their screens the meta-version of the natural world; the metropolises that take them hold in not too complex technological infrastructures, which carry with them the seeds of their sinking, the rise and fall of that world as explained 114 years ago by E.M. Forster in his brief account The Machine Stops.

Meanwhile, in The Land magazine we will try to keep our feet well seated on the ground and splintered in the water. We will continue to be committed to nature and not depart from it, seeking in the arid and marine dialectic between humanity and the natural world, as they have done in the past 500 generations, correcting mistakes and strengthening achievements. We may have placed ourselves on the wrong side of history, but we also try to retain ourselves with other barbarians who give up the agenda of eco-modernism and transhumanism.

Last issue of the magazine 'The Land', from the beginning of 2023.

The Land Manifesto

The more dependent the market is, the narrower the fiscal and political hierarchy may remain. But anyone who has land already has energy, water, food, shelter, treatment, knowledge, ancestors and tomb. Access to land is more a threat to the land-owning elites, a threat to the religion of unlimited economic growth and the command structure in place based on it.

The global market starts and destroys land-based human cultures. In short, a global market without roots will destroy itself. Rome fell; the Soviet Empire sank; the New World Order explodes before our eyes. In history, nothing is forever, except geography. Land is the only source of wealth. Capitalism is a fraud, a brilliant building built on paper promises. It will be maintained more carefully than some of us have anticipated, but when the land is sunk it will remain there.

About the authors:

- Simon Fairlie is a journalist, writer and peasant. He recently published Going to seed. Autobiography A counterculture memoir. He previously published Meat, to benign extravagance against veganism and in favor of small livestock.

- The writer and peasant Gill Barron is also a painter. 'Compendium of Acrylic Paint Techniques.

- The number 32 editorial in The Land is the one we have translated into Basque in ARGIA. The Land publishes it twice a year and is based on a collective farm in the English region of Dorset. He summarizes his goals in “The Land is written for people and people who believe that the roots of justice, freedom, social security and democracy are more in owning money or voting rights than in accessing land and resources.”