The law of euthanasia enters into force in Hego Euskal Herria
  • The law passed in March by the Congress of Deputies will allow euthanasia in those cases where there is "a serious and incurable disease" or "a severe, chronic and impossible condition" that affects their autonomy and that causes them "permanent and unsustainable physical or psychological suffering".
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 25
Duintasunez Hiltzeko Eskubidea plataformaren elkarretaratzea Bilbon / Ecuador Etxea

The Ministry of Health and the Autonomous Communities have agreed on a medical protocol detailing the criteria for assessing the situation of patients requesting euthanasia. In addition, work is being done on a good practice guide in which, among other things, drugs will be recommended to help die. The application must be made voluntarily and in writing by signing the document to a physician, as can be read in the EITB document setting out the conditions and steps necessary to apply euthanasia. The Right to Die platform, for its part, has also explained for a long time how to request euthanasia.

The support of PNV, EH Bildu, PSOE and Unidas Podemos, among others, has made it possible for the pro-euthanasia law to be a majority. However, the right has pronounced itself harshly against this law and the Constitutional Court, for example, has admitted the appeal lodged by Vox. They have also opposed pp and UPN, as well as ultra-conservative organizations such as Get Heard or Christian Lawyers.