The Basque Government prohibits the use of fabric masks in the health centres of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia
  • Instead, it has chosen to distribute surgical masks on site portals, which have described as "dubious" the efficacy of conventional kisses.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 30
Oihalezko musukoak debekatzen hasi dira.

Osakidetza has banned the use of fabric masks in hospitals in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia and in smaller health centres. In order to comply with the measure, surgical masks have been distributed in the entrances of their centers.

This is a decision stemming from the “inability to certify that these protection elements are approved or are not used longer than recommended”. In the case of Catalan countries, the General Hospital of the Valencian Community has also adopted this measure to ensure the safety of users.

As you have warned, when buying face masks, aesthetics are often given more weight than functionality. A study by the University of Valencia concludes that two out of three Valencians wear a mask of "dubious efficacy" that cannot be used. The sample, of more than 800 people, has been analyzed, and 61% did not know if the mask they were wearing was respectful of the new standard.

However, throughout the pandemic, the lack of clear criteria on the use of the mask or their versatility has created confusion in the population. At first, the Ministry of Health questioned the need for masks, which have subsequently become compulsory.