The Basque Government is asking for help from municipalities for the start of the course.
  • The Basque Government, through Eudel, has sent a letter to the mayors of the CAV to inform about the municipal public spaces that guarantee the presential schooling of children and adolescents. If students relocate, they intend to take advantage of them.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko abuztuaren 27a

In the absence of twelve days for the course to begin, the Basque Government has asked the municipalities of the CAV to provide guidelines for a better distribution of students. According to Naiz, the President of Eudel and Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, Gorka Uraran, has sent a letter to the mayors to mediate in the framework of the collaboration established with the Department of Education of Lakua to return to the classrooms.

In the letter, Uraran explained to the mayors that the Department of Education of Cristina Uriarte has asked for help to "develop properly" this course that will begin shortly. In particular, the “collaboration in the identification of municipal public spaces” is requested to “guarantee the presential schooling of children and adolescents, so that health conditions are met in cases of relocation of students”.

To obtain this information, they have provided an Excel sheet to municipalities for completion by September 4. The file shall specify the list of spaces that libraries, libraries, sports centres or cultural centres may have, centralising all these data in Lakua.