Eusko Ikaskuntza How to bleach Euskarafobos in Navarra?
Plazara gatoz! ekimena 2021eko abuztuaren 10

On 16 June, Eusko Ikaskuntza held a conference on trust between different parties, in which the issue of Euskera was also discussed; Zabalo, Mateos and Nausia realized this through the media (Euskera and trust in Navarre).

According to Euron, “there is an outraged sector that considers the action of the Navarra administration as an attack on the Basque Country, which denounces the violation of the rights of the vasco-speakers”...

The Basques of Navarre are not an “outraged sector”, but a society that is constantly oppressed and marginalised. Who knows something about Navarra, knows that the linguistic rights of the Euskaldunes are only partially guaranteed in the “Vascophony” reserve: Not with the Foral Police, with Osasunbidea barely, here it is in the private sphere but there it is not… Do the Euskaldunes of the mixed area have neither the linguistic rights in the folkloric area, nor in the “non-Basque” area? It is not even taken into account that they exist, “as if they were in Salamanca”, according to a member of the PSN Government.

"They force us to leave Navarre by the Basque Castilian, dividing us into three areas, forcing us to devour that situation that is suicidal for the Navarros and the Navarre. We are not prepared to do so. Eusko Ikaskuntza members?"

What is the first cry of “Irrminduon”? Respect for the linguistic rights of Euskaldunes. The “democracy” to the Spanish and the majority parties of Navarre force us to leave the Basque country by the Spanish language, dividing Navarre into three areas, forcing us to devour this suicidal situation for the Navarros Basques. We are not prepared to do so. Eusko Ikaskuntza members?

In the words of the articulists, “there are those who distrust the diffusion of the Basque. They are not against Euskera... Euskera is a Navarre language, but always in the area that corresponds to it”... For those who are “on the other side” are dedicated to fight Euskera with rage, although in the context they do not express it this way in the public. They know that the Basque language is a Navarre language, and that is why they want it to disappear as soon as possible, so that we do not get confused with the “Vascones”, first closing the reservation in the Vascophone, so that the language also disappeared later. Both the authority and the courts are working to close all avenues for the use of Euskera.

And later on: “... there are those who see it possible to build a certain trust. They downplay the supposed conflict and cultivate the consensus around the Basque country”.

There is not a “supposed” conflict between fellow Eusko Ikaskuntza, but a real and hard conflict.

Convening a substitution process would be more appropriate: We are dealing with what could be the last decades of a planned and long process of eradication of Euskera in Navarre (also), although many Euskaltzales have not yet realised the gravity of the situation.

Because, apparently, there are people who are “very optimistic”... because they are uninformed, because they care about five things to replace the Basque country, or it gives them a little bit of pity, but so far.

Finally, the members of Eusko Ikaskuntza see “the need to clarify three keys”.

The first key is to “define what it is to use Euskera as a political weapon”.

Basque as a political weapon is used by Spanish nationalism, and while it oppresses us, it denounces that we are imposing Basque. It is unbearable, but it is.

For example, Spanish is required for all public jobs in Navarre, and in all posts the knowledge of German, English or French provides points. The Basque country can be valued in very few jobs and, to a lesser extent, demand. This is how Euskera in Navarre imposes itself.

The second key is that “rights are debatable if they collide with each other.” We cannot believe it. Does Eusko Ikaskuntza agree with first- and second-degree “rightholders”? Is the right to speak in Spanish above the right to speak in Basque?

The third key, they say, is this: “... it is not dangerous to take advantage of the passion provoked by emotions when proposing measures or demands, overcoming the game of democracy?”

Staggered! We Euskaltzales have travelled all the rational and democratic paths in defence of our language. In fact, those who engage in emotion (and lying) are those who want to lock the Basque reserve in the baskephone. The enemies of the Basques skip the data and the reasoned opinions. We are not surprised, either on the right or on the left, that they are the defenders of a uniform Spain.

What are the members of Eusko Ikaskuntza doing? Justifying the actions of these authorities and discriminatory entities under the false name of a possible “coexistence”?

There is no “coexistence” based on dependency, as one cannot say “outraged” the oppressed and the marginalized, unless we have lost the north.