Local agents set up the Basque Council in Hernani
  • The objective of the Council is to be a point of reference in the normalization of the Basque country.
Urumeako Kronika 2024ko otsailaren 02a
Euskera Kontseiluko kideak, Gudarien plazan. (Argazkia: Urumeako Kronika)

The network of agents working in the Basque country in Hernani has created the Basque Council. The Council’s aim is to be a benchmark in the normalisation of the Basque country, and last week the first group meeting was held.

A number of actors have been involved in the creation of the Council, including the following groups: City Hall of Hernani, UEMA, AEK Hernani, Dobera Euskara Elkartea, AMHER-SOS Racism, Berria Merkatarien Elkartea, representatives of the school centers of the municipality, Kaxkardi Aisialdi taldea and representatives of local sports associations.