In the measurement of quality there is a "list of the 10,000 most important articles" that should be contained in Wikipedia, in which not only is it measured whether we have article or not, but also its length, number of references and images to measure its integrity. In this list, the Catalans have recently held their 10th position, and the Basque is not bad either: We're 25 right now, except last year we were below 30.
This chart shows how our evolution in the Ten Thousand has gone, the relationship between short, long, and nonexistent articles -- and the black line, how our score in the Wikipedia quality calculation has gone.
To complete the Diez Mil, 557 articles were missing, according to data from last week. And among them, the 200 most important of the missing ones here.
With regard to Article 400,000, climate justice was freely chosen, it has not been casual. It is now an important concept and in the era of global warming and the climate crisis it will continue to be so in the future. Even as we approached the 300,000 articles, in July 2018, a special article was elaborated on the origin of the Basque Country. We picked it up in Sustatun.
Wikipedia has also extended the following calculation: "How much do our 400,000 items occupy? Printed in the same format as the 13 books of the Lur Encyclopedia, it would be 274 books." In fact, the contents of the Lur Encyclopedia were integrated into Wikipedia thanks to a collaborative initiative a few years ago.
And once it's over 400,000, let's move on: this statistic sheet shows the live count. 400 K are pages with content, but more than 800 K with deviations, discussion sheets, user tests, etc. And another fact, that of individual editions, which recently exceeded 9 million editions. Reaching 10 million, another milestone.
He collaborates in the editing of Wikipedia and in the improvement of these numbers, being directly involved with the Cultural Association of Basque Wikilaris.