The Wikipedia in Basque is 33 in number of articles and has renewed its cover with design to celebrate
  • The Wikipedia in Euskera has just exceeded the limit of 433,000 articles (see statistics), while having ranked 33 in the ranking or list of all Wikipedias. To celebrate this achievement, our Wikipedia has today released an innovative design, being the first language in the world to showcase some interactive content, including the articles the reader has close to.
Sustatu 2024ko maiatzaren 31

The Wikilariak Cultural Association (EWKE) set in its 2024-2027 project the challenge of reaching 500,000 Basque articles on Wikipedia before the end of 2027. This requires more than 50 articles per day. This week Wikipedia in Euskera has crossed the barrier of 433,000 articles (Terra Australis) and today it is ranked 33 in the list of articles behind Romanian.

In line with the problem, the Wikipedia cover in Basque has been renovated, with an attractive and modern design. This change, carried out in collaboration with the Wikimedia Foundation, shows some content more intuitively and easily. With this modification, we have been the first Wikipedia offering two surface interactive content with the new section called “Explore”. In this section, the reader can see the Wikipedia articles from the places close to it and which articles were read the most the day before. These sections vary dynamically on a daily basis.

Skin with novelties

If you access the surface of Wikipedia, you can now see it...

But you accept the option Show nearby pages, and here the editor is explained some results close to the CodeSyntax office we promoted:

Other contents can be found on the skin:

  • Biographies of recently deceased people.
  • A new news section.
  • Daily “Photo of the day” chosen by the Wikimedia Commons community
  • Section dedicated to the Ikusgela project.
  • Simplified access to Community elements.

A strong community, more in quality

The wikilaris community in Euskera is working hard to feed the largest encyclopedia in the network and spread free knowledge. Proof of this is the initiative such as Txikipedia, which has exceeded the limit of 7,000 articles and which has a renewed application. Or the daily work of increasing female biographies, which has already brought over 19,000 biographies.

To improve the content of Wikipedia, another outstanding initiative by EWKE is the creation of a guide to help write LGBTI+ themes and biographies. This will be worked on a day on 8 June in Donostia.

In addition to the number of articles, the encyclopedic content in Basque continues to increase in the quality of the most important articles. The Basque language is one of the two languages that contains all the articles on the list of 10,000 articles that should be contained throughout Wikipedia (together with the Serb language), and this month they have launched the competition to improve the biographies of this list. Thanks to this competition 2,500 kb and over 130,000 words have been added to significant biographies.

Also, Wikipedia continues to improve on the list of 1,000 articles to have, and in the renewed ranking to be published next week expect that we will be the best 17th language, behind Portuguese.