They unanimously demand a public system of immersion in Basque from the Capital
  • Both elected and representatives of the educational system have concentrated before the public school Baste Quieta de la Capital, with the aim of respecting the right to experimentation exclusively in Euskera. Faced with the "no" received from Paris, they have unanimously decided to "continue fighting" until obtaining the permission of the General Assembly.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2020ko irailaren 01
Hautetsiak eta hezkuntza arloko ordezkariak, elkarrekin Hiriburuko eskola aitzinean

From the capital, once again, diversity is unanimous: it is necessary to develop a system of linguistic immersion in Basque within public education and we will continue to fight to achieve it. This is the message conveyed by the elected officials and representatives of the educational structures – both the public and private sections and Seaska, all three have agreed. The Mayor of the capital, Alain Iriart, President of the Commonwealth of Iparralde, Jean-René Etxegarai, President of the Commonwealth of Iparralde, Antton Kurutxarri, and the representative of the Public Body of the Basque Language, Mathieu Berge participated in the concentration. Some forty citizens have also joined them.

The day before, a delegation of elects had been in Paris on 31 August to make the same message heard. Despite the request, the representatives of the French Ministry of Education have not responded to the request of the Education Commission. That is why they have met today in front of the School of Capital, with the objective of making public the determination and following the conversations. The Rectorate of Bordeaux has denied them that a project of experimentation in Basque is initiated in that school entirely, claiming that "compulsory education must be done in French".

Etxegarai made it clear that the problem is "political", regretting once again the "jacobin" he received from Paris.

Generalising the offer from capital

They have to win this battle, because in addition to the Capitals it will serve the entire public sector: "We cannot leave this struggle there, because it is a very important struggle for teaching in Euskera," Iriarte explained. In particular, the representatives of the educational community have underlined the need to extend the system of linguistic immersion in Basque to all public schools of first level. On behalf of SEASKA, Peio Jorajuria has warned that "the model of linguistic immersion in Basque must also be in public education along the way".