In opposition to jobs in Basque, a court that does not know Basque
  • In the competitions of Navarra, in the specialty of Euskera, the candidates will be selected, although most of the members of the court do not know Euskera. The Government alleges that it does not have enough Basque officials and that it will intercede to the outsourced translators. STEILAS (PPE). — (DE) Mr President, I should like to begin by congratulating Mr Steilas on his report.
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“Can anyone imagine an opposition court for jobs in Spanish, composed of members who do not know Spanish? Or an opposition in which applicants cannot use the language of the members of the Tribunal?” This has happened in Euskera, in the specialty of socio-community intervention. The majority of the members of the Tribunal do not know Euskera and the applicants will not be able to speak in Spanish, with the translators and interpreters in charge of communicating it.

In addition, the union has criticized that the Government of Navarra has translators and interpreters, but has attributed this work to a private company "to lower the cost". “We are aware of the exploitation that the translation companies generally apply to translators and interpreters. How are opponents guaranteed a dignified and appropriate translation?”

STEILAS calls for the guarantee of juries composed of Euskaldunes in all Basque specialities.