Google improves your search results in Basque to achieve a "better treatment of languages"
  • The Puneus foundation denounced in July that Google's searches discriminated against the Basque country, as only half of the searches were for the Basque country in the first place. In September, 73% of the results have prioritized Euskera.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 11
Googlek bilatzailearen algoritmoa eguneratu du \"hizkuntzen tratamendu egokiagoa\" egiteko asmoarekin.

Euskera has improved the results of searches conducted on Google. In July, the Puneus foundation denounced that Google searches discriminated against the Basque. The Foundation sent the results of the study to Google, who announced on Friday that it has updated the search engine algorithm with the intention of performing a "better treatment of languages".

According to the July study, only 50% of the results prioritized Euskera. The sample was reviewed again by Puneus and the search results in which Euskera ranked first have risen to 73%. An example of this is Wikipedia, which two months ago in Google searches Wikipedia results in Basque were prioritized only in 45% of cases, compared to 80%.

The General Director of the Puneus Foundation, Josu WaliƱo, has expressed his satisfaction that Google "has taken the necessary steps to listen to the Basque Internet community and to regain the place that corresponds to the Basque Country in its search engine". "At Puneus we will continue to work to make Euskera a leading language in search engines and, in general, in the digital environment."