Ararteko asks the City Council of Pamplona measures to ensure care in Euskera
  • The Ombudsman of Navarra has decided in response to the request submitted by the Administrazioa Euskaraz group. The Municipality has two months to decide whether or not to accept the recommendation of the Mayor of Donostia-San Sebastián.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 07a
Iruñeko Euskara Ordenantza berriaren aurka egindako mobilizazioa bat, iazko azaroan. Argazkia:

The association denounced that in the Urbanism Management of the City of Pamplona, where there are 38 workers, there is not a single profile post that requires Euskera. The complaint was lodged on 31 May by the Administrazioa Euskaraz Group (AET) to the Ararteko, and the response of Ararteko, Javier Eneriz, has been communicated by AET: “That in application of the provisions of the municipal ordinance regulating the use of the Basque Country, the necessary measures be taken to guarantee the right of citizens to act and receive answers in Basque, both orally and in writing, with the Management of Urbanism”.

The City Hall has two months to respond to Ararteko’s recommendation, as explained by the association. AET recalls that the problem is long-standing, but hopes that the Ararteko resolution will influence: “While the City of Pamplona governs different political parties, the Urbanism Management has acted autonomously outside the Basque Country. Ararteko’s participation will be effective!”