The Basque Council of Euskera calls for a joint strategy to respond to the difficulties of living in Euskera
  • On 22 May, representatives of the majority of the members of the Basque Council of the Basque Country and other actors met at the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country. Representatives of the trade unions ELA, LAB, EHNE, STEILAS and ESK, as well as representatives of EH Bildu, sortu and Podemos also attended.
Ixone Arana @ixonearana1 2021eko maiatzaren 24a
Argazkia: Euskalgintzaren Kontseilua

The High Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) issued a judgment annulling the linguistic profiles allocated to 12 seats of the Local Police Service of Irun, after receiving an appeal against the required linguistic profile, claiming that it is "discriminatory" for those who do not know Euskera. The Saturday session was to show their disagreement with the ruling of the National High Court.

The decision of the Constitutional Council of France, driven by alarming news, was taken at the end of the ceremony by Council Secretary-General Paul Bilbao: "We want to highlight the gravity of the decision published yesterday by the French Constitutional Council and denounce the betrayal and revenge of Jean-Michel Blancher for rejecting a law passed by a large majority of the National Assembly. We have to say loud and clear that the community is going to move forward.”

Representatives of most of the members of the Council of Euskalgintza participated in the meeting: AEK, Berria, Euskal Herriko Ikastolak, Elkar, Euskaltzaleen Topagunea, Sortzen, Elhuyar, EMUN, Karmel, UEU, OEE, UEMA, Gerriko Kultura Elkartea… trade union representatives ELA, LAB,

Bilbao has denounced that the Basques "do not want to be second-class citizens"."We want to live in Euskera, and when we live it, we ask that we represent it with all the verbs we want: to have relationships, to receive services, to buy, to sell, to love, to work, to play…", said the secretary general.

The Council spokesman stressed the need for a unitary and unitary response. “We cannot stand idly by, we cannot act with resignation, we cannot accept the sentence without further ado. We have to work to change that, all together,” he said. While language rights are restricted, the right to live in Basque is also restricted. Council spokesman Iñaki Azkuna expressed his desire to continue living in Basque. It has made it clear that acts in favour of this right will continue to be able to overcome this situation with a unity of action.