Create the "Basque traffic light" to start paying attention to linguistic rights in the organization of activities
  • The Council of Euskalgintza of Ayala has created a toolbox and resources that invites all citizens, associations and entities of the region.
Txabi Alvarado Bañares Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2024ko otsailaren 19a
Semaforoaren figura erabili dute ekitaldiak hizkuntzaren erabileraren arabera sailkatzeko. / Aiaraldeko Euskalgintza Kontseilua

The Basque Council in Aiaralde has launched a new tool: Traffic lights in the Basque Country. This resource will be "available to citizens, associations, entities, organisers and institutions" and will serve as "immediate information" on the "language options" of a specific offer.

The Council has explained this through a press release. Basically, the project aims to classify the activities organized in the region according to the colors of a traffic light. To do so, they have created a resource box, inviting them to use it to "any entity, association or individual", as well as to make public such adhesion using the hashtag #EuskeraSemáforo.

The promoters of the initiative consider that the initiative will "boost supply and consumption in Basque" and "demonstrate the need to increase the supply of Basque in some areas".

In this connection, the members of the Council call for attention also to be paid to linguistic rights when planning action. "New paths must be opened, for example, in a talk offered in Spanish, guaranteeing that the Basque public can ask in their own language; or in a course offered in Spanish, giving the student the opportunity to speak in Euskera, hiring bilingual teachers", they point out.