The destiny of the Basque Country
Joxemi Campillo Iñaki López de Luzuriaga 2022ko uztailaren 21a

It's taboo. Linguistic discrimination is spreading by silence, with macros and microbexamenes everyday of the Basques. But don’t say anything, everything works quite well: Euskera, color and music (and gastro). Yesterday we discovered a Jamaican who knew Euskera (let's put it on youtube! ). Euskaraldia has brought out the song. Great.

Meanwhile, Erdaraldia continues 7/24/365. There, color doesn't matter. Assimilation and alienation go well. 90% of the agents who arrive in Donostia are Castilian monolinguals. Judges are forcing the Ertzaintza monolingual Castilian speaking. Media in Spanish. In some Donostialdea bus lines 0 failures in Euskera, as the drivers don't know "hello", how to fail!

"The message of the basal administration (including the deputies) is at all times pedagogical and simple: it went to the reservations of Indians (or to Etb3), the Basque is beautiful, with children and with dog"

Transport is a crude example of trawling. In recent years, the linguistic communications of the txoferreki have improved in some lines of San Sebastian, forcing travellers to Spanish on few occasions. Unfortunately, the latest bus tenders from Donostialdea, winners of the company Alsa and Transitia –TBH– since July 2021, have confirmed that Basques are alien to public bus services. In other means of transport the situation is similar, first in Adif-Renfe, then in Euskotren, etc.

In Spanish, the message of the basal administration (including the deputies) is at all times pedagogical and simple: he went to the reservations of Indians (or to Etb3), the Basque is beautiful, with children and with dog. In fact, in the plaza our language is useless, it usually speaks in Spanish (or with your accent of Vasquito with a funny touch).

Three languages: two hegemonic and one residual. Two formulas: in one the agony of voluntarism, the sectoral view (and Euskeraaoke); in the other, the transversality and the state bulldozer. In other words, in the background, the social pedagogy of always. The Madrid press has already said this at the end of the Second Carlist War, as the latest Basque laws and institutions are being withdrawn: "It's not enough for the excerpts that take them away, hizkuntza ere bai! ". Well, they're getting closer to their goal.