The Council places the Erandio ruling in the context of "judicial aggression" against the normalization of the Basque country
  • On 10 May the Council of Euskalgintza will appear together with other actors to "show their disagreement" with the recent judicial interventions in the linguistic profiles of municipal jobs.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko maiatzaren 03a
Erandioko udaltzain posturako hizkuntza-eskakizuna bertan behera utzi du epai batek. Argazkia: Kontseilua

The Council of Euskalgintza has considered that a court in Bilbao rejects the mandatory linguistic profile of Municipal Police agent in Erandio as "a new step of judicial aggression" against the normalization of Euskera. It says that the abolition of the Basque profile "totally conditions" the citizens' right to relate in Basque with the municipal police.

The Judge decides to remove the mandatory date of level B2 for the Erandio public post. To this end, another ruling issued by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country against the call for employment of the Uliazpi Foundation, which is appealed, takes as an argument. But "this time they have not opposed a call for employment, they have directly opposed the characteristics of the jobs of the municipal police in Erandio," the Council explained.

The organization has highlighted the impact this can have on citizens' linguistic rights: "It totally conditions citizens' right to relate in Basque with municipal agents", explained Council Secretary General Idurre Eskisabel.

"There are repeated sentences that will make the violation of Basque rights even easier"
(Idurre Eskisabel, Kontseilua)

What is in doubt is that all agents have a minimum knowledge of the Basque Country, in the opinion of the institution, and therefore any agent guarantees this basic service to the citizen.

Hearing 10 May

The Council says that Erandio's case is not an isolated case, "but a link more than a trend coming from the courts lately". The institution considers that these judgments have called into question the competence of municipalities to develop language policy.

"We are seeing that rulings are repeatedly coming from the courts that will further facilitate the violation of the rights of the Basques," Eskisábal explained, and announced that the Council will contact the City of Erandio to bring an appeal for support and assistance.

The Council will appear on 10 May at 11:00 a.m. at the seat of the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country in Bilbao to show its disagreement with these judicial interventions.