The City of Barañain withdraws the profile of Euskera to thirteen jobs
  • As reported by the Observatory on Linguistic Rights, the latest modification of the organic workforce has removed the mandatory knowledge of Euskera in these jobs.
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In the thirteen municipal posts of Barañáin, knowledge of the Basque country will not be obligatory. This has been decided by the City Council of Navarra Suma. The complaint was made by the Observatory on Linguistic Rights, via Twitter. In the message you have included a list of the different positions affected: "In the offices of protection and citizen care, culture, economy and finance, citizen participation, sport and youth, social welfare, education,...". The change has been agreed and approved with the PSN by the Government of Navarra Suma.

Navarre Suma has, since the municipal elections of 2019, the mayor of Barañain. The tripartite on the right has eight councillors. EH Bildu and PSN have five each, and Geroa Bai, two.