ETB1 premiered the film Bizkarsoro on Basque Day. Although ETB2 was proposed to broadcast simultaneously in Spanish, Tasio eventually offered to be in Spanish on this channel, which has provoked some indignation on social networks.
Last December 3, ETB1 released the film Bizkarsoro, a story of the oppression of the Basque Country directed by Josu Martínez and starring Gorka Izagirre. At the same time, the film Tasio, starring Xuban Intxausti, was released on the second channel (ETB2). Both were programmed by public television to “celebrate” Basque Day.
This behavior has provoked some indignation on social networks and has accused ETB of "counterprogramming" the film in Basque, even more knowing that in the second chain Bizkarsoro also had the possibility to do it in Spanish.
According to Gotzon Barandiaran, who has participated in the distribution and communication of the film, they proposed it to television, “but someone decided to broadcast Tasio on ETB2 to show that on International Euskera Day some Basques always live in Spanish,” he wrote on the network. In his view, this is a "perverse political option".
Between the journalist of Berria and Txoria Hodei. Urtzi Urkizu, author of the book first and after ETB, highlights one of the ideas that Kike Amonarriz has put forward for the book – Bizkarosoro with 1.7% and Tasio with 10.7% –: “The work we do with ETB1 is partially neutralized by ETB2”.
But the indignation has been greater in view of the message that ETB has made known about these hearings. The Spanish film premiered that day, according to information published by ETB2, which got "excellent audiences", and was "the most viewed channel".