The Council of Euskalgintza calls for Euskera to be activated in Luiaondo
  • On Saturday, the Basque Day was celebrated in Luiaondo, under the slogan "Euskarpiztu". The Council of Euskalgintza of Ayala has prepared a full day programme in which dozens of families have participated since the first hour.
Aimar Gutierrez Bidarte Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2022ko ekainaren 06a

The Council of Euskalgintza of Aiaralde has called for today, 3 June, the Day of the Basque Country held in Luiaondo the "Activation for the Basque Country". The quote was in December, but COVID-19 and weather forecasts forced it to be delayed.

The wide range of music, sports, theatre and popular food have brought tens of families together since the first hour of the morning.

The Council of Euskalgintza of Aiaralde wanted to highlight three areas within the slogan "Euskarpiztu": the need to express oneself in Euskera, the need to consume Euskera and Basque culture and the demand to actively engage in Basque cultural activity.