As it does not show studies on the Basque press, comics, television, radio stations, video games, etc. Even less compared to the half that suffocates us, of course. Why make anyone worry? It's about Poziktibity!
Not the Basque Government that manages public funds, but, by law, mention the data published by Eusko Siadeco, very worrying (wow, sorry!) It's about them. Throughout the Basque Country (“territories of the Basque language”, politically “direct” Basque), the study has been carried out through 2,500 surveys. Sixteen year olds have been accepted.
Only 20% of Basques read the Basque press. 60% consume the Erdal press. 19%, not one and not the other. In other words, only 6% of all Basque speakers have mentioned some form of Basque language!
50% do not watch TV at all. Zero, that is. In fact, the consumption of ETB1 does not exceed 2% of the audience in ancient years.
70% do not buy albums.
77% of Basques do not read books in Basque, but 54% of Basques do. As with the press, only 6% of all Basques consume Basque books (also).
If the supply of Basque were multiplied, and if the patriotic authorities really opted for Basque production, consumption would probably also increase a lot.
The “fault” of October’s consumption of Basque products is not that of Basque citizens. Those who consume in Basque are militant dialects in general (apart from the consumption associated with studies).
The offer in Basque is much less than the offer in Basque. Almost unmatched. This can be seen in each other’s shops. Not to mention the “Basque” bookstore.
Josema Sors (Other): “The situation of the Russian language has become apparent.”
I would ask One Another to undertake another study (since it seems unnecessary to ask the Government): to compare the offers in Basque and in childbirth. This would help to explain these sad facts. And it would open up windows of hope for us.
If the supply of Basque were multiplied, and if the patriotic authorities really opted for production in Basque, consumption would probably also increase a lot. Of course, Basque productions should be known and promoted much more strongly than they are today, because consumption habits do not change without others. Even less for those who start from a situation of severe dependency.
Language policy is the key. Political will and coherence, in other words. Less sterile institutional self-sufficiency (as in the case of EAS), and more sincere initiatives. We need more and more. For once and for all.