Various agents of Vitoria-Gasteiz will take advantage of the context of Euskaraldia to analyze the oppression, desires and demands of vasco-speakers
  • The Basque Group Zigora, Askapena, Ernaik de Vitoria-Gasteiz, Olarizu Gazte Asanblada, Judimendiko Gazte Asanblada and Trikuharri Gazte Asanblada have organized a dozen talks, debates, round tables and concerts at different points in Vitoria-Gasteiz 21.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2018ko azaroaren 16a

From 23 November to 3 December, thousands of citizens will undertake a broad collective exercise to change language habits throughout the Basque Country: Euskaraldia.

In this context, several agents of the Vitoria-Gasteiz People’s Movement have joined forces “with the aim of working and disseminating the oppression, desires, doubts, clamour, debates and speeches that occur in Vasco-speaking people”.

That is why the Basque Group Pika, Askapena, Ernaik de Gasteiz, Olarizu Gazte Asanblada, Judimendiko Gazte Asanblada and Trikuharri Gazte Asanblada have proposed a comprehensive programme for the coming weeks under the motto “We are not only ears and mouth, but also cuffs”.

On November 21, the SUmendi Gazte space will analyze the Communication and the Basque: 18:00 Why do we communicate in Basque? Round table with local media and at 19:00 in Basque only? This is a debate which has given it its name.

Three plans were organised on 24 November: At 18:00 Colloquium Talk Tours of young people in the Basque Country at the bar Joxemi (Txagorritxu), at 19:30 Freestyle workshop for women* and at 21:00 Pothe-Hopa starting from the skate of San Martin.

On 28 November, all activities will be held at the Garraxi bar: 18:00 Euskalgintza round table XXI.mendean, 19:00 Euskara eta miliator-debate and 20:30 Peru Tximaluze onomastic concert.

On November 29, at the Association of Neighbors of Adurtza, talk The Challenges of the Basque Country in Osakidetza: tour, official policies and progress at 18:00.

Finally, on 1 December, there will be three different initiatives: At 12:00 in the House of the Basque Country Oihaneder will perform a theatrical dynamic of oppression of the vascospeakers*; at 14:30, a popular meal*; and at 18:00, a talk on ‘The Survival of Oppressed Languages in the Europe of the capital in the civic center Aldabe.

*Registration email will be

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