Euskaldunes marginalized by the Basque Country
Xabier Arana Eiguren 2024ko urriaren 07a

In some territories of the Basque Country, the Basque Country is official, in others official or denied according to the meridian and, on the contrary, if we go north, tolerated (unofficial).

In recent times, some courts have ruled that public officials do not have to have knowledge of Basque and therefore do not have to provide services in Basque. We retired.

Despite the fact that Euskera is a universal heritage, because Vasco-speakers are spread all over the planet, due to the possibility of life, migration or the diaspora of refugees, it is still a small language, without merit.

Half a century ago, we spoke in Euskera at ikastola, in unofficial schools, looking at it. Then, at the AEK coordinator, at HABE, we were literate at IKA, embracing the unified Basque. Later, vocational training centers and universities have trained and researched in Basque. Thanks to this enormous collective activity, thousands of citizens have carried out all the studies in Basque in school, in institute, in vocational training, in university, in further formal training, etc. And in the workplace, we're talking about Euskera, the workshop, the forest, the office, the kitchen. At home, of course. Among friends. In all areas of society.

On the other hand, each at his level and level has worked or militated in favor of the Basque country, individually, as a group or as an auzolan. The Basque country has always needed support and help in society, in the neighborhood, in the company, beyond the institutions.

Today, in the year 2024, the Basque people again despised in public institutions, in the courts, in parliamentary speeches, in the modern “integrative” narrative. Laws and natural law seem to be the cough of the goat at midnight.

Resources are useless in the face of the great laws and languages of the states. What rights, if there is no way? So, get back to yours, live in Basque and be Euskaldun. Flexibility and stiffness are over

Do children and adolescents who have had the Basque language and the mother tongue have to speak in Spanish or in French with the component? Superiors have sufficient communication barriers with the administration, even more so if they are state-wide (social security, etc. ). If you want to be well understood in a judicial process (always hard), do you have to ask for a translator and trust the version he has given to the judge? In the area of health, safety and administrative relations, which still has major shortcomings, will direct spontaneous communications not be necessary?

Can't I express in Basque what's happening inside me, if I talk to the psychologist or the psychiatrist in Osakidetza or in Osasunbidea? When I perceive a situation of risk in the village, can I not communicate it to the Municipal Police in the emotional language that comes out of my interior? In order to carry out the procedures of the rent or of the de facto couple, or whatever, can I not receive explanations from the official in Basque? Do I have to be filled with joy when I “discover” a vasco-speaker in the state’s public services? Why are the contracts with private care companies mainly for speaking in Spanish; the fact of speaking in Spanish gives agents more authority? Where is the closeness? Where is the good understanding? Where is the welcoming care? Where are the laws and the law? Endangered.

Value, please. We will speak in Basque before marginalization and harassment, above all difficulties and all forms of denial, assuming our status, rejecting judgments or discriminatory judgments.

Because fish is fish, both at sea and in the river. When he gets to shore, it's against his will. Thus, the Basque speakers, from the heart and from the language, in the Basque Country and where we are, in truth, we will speak in Basque.

Please do not complain. Crying has no path, except for the internal expression itself. Resources are useless in the face of the great laws and languages of the states. What rights, if there is no way?

So, get back to yours, live in Basque and be Euskaldun. Flexibility and stiffness are over.

Xabier Arana Eiguren