EUR 9 million will be allocated directly to the promotion of the Basque Country, while the remainder will be allocated to Euskarabidea staff and other administrative activities. For example, EUR 3.1 million will be allocated to Euskera’s learning aid for the adult population and EUR 1.4 million to the Basque media.
Furthermore, according to these amendments, the Laba partnership will have a subsidy of EUR 26,000, Nafarroa Oinez with EUR 10,000, Euskarabentura Elkartea with EUR 5,000, and Loraldia-Iruña with EUR 5,000.
Since the times that UPN ruled until today, Euskarabidea’s budgets have greatly improved. The 2015 budget was EUR 2.1 million and the figures have since been improving. However, if comparisons are to be made, they are a long way from what the Basque Government spends on language policy, which in the 2025 budgets provides for EUR 88 million for language policy.
In addition to the aforementioned amendments, several other amendments were discussed in the Parliament of Navarra on Wednesday, which can be consulted in the subsections of this link.