Euskarabentura travels Álava after touring Zuberoa, Baja Navarra and Navarra
  • The expedition will arrive on Wednesday at Arganzón (Álava), after passing through Salinas de Añana. Ten days ago the expedition began in Atharratze (Zuberoa). 125 Jzioremove, from 15 to 17 years old, is the name that the participants of Euskarabentura receive, and with them are 30 adults, including observers, doctors, guides, logistics managers, communication cameras and journalists.
Manex Usarralde Garmendia 2024ko uztailaren 10a
2024ko Euskarabenturaren ibilbidearen mapa. Argazkia:

Salinas de Añana/Salinas de Añana/Salinas de Añana will travel to La Puebla de Arganzón. They will arrive in Vitoria-Gasteiz on Thursday. Ten days ago this adventure started from Atharratze. During these days, the inhabitants of Jzioquitarra have travelled to the provinces of Zuberoa, Behe Nafarroa, Nafarroa, Nafarroa and Araba, respectively.

It will be the first time that Euskarabentura has lived in Euskera for a month, and for others, the opportunity to know other realities related to the language. On July 1, the seventh edition of the Euskarabentura Expedition began, which will tour Euskal Herria from one side to the other, centering on the Camino de Santiago.

Everyone goes for their own sociolinguistic reality, but they have one factor that unites them: Basque.


Selection process to go to Euskarabentura

In order to participate in the expedition, young people will have to go through a selection process and submit an application with a personal project and a presentation video (the registration period is usually between December and March). In order to develop the Candidatura project, young people must choose one of the three themes that Euskarabentura proposes each year and develop their work in one of the six possible formats (historical, literary, plastic, audiovisual, musical or digital).

The nomination projects will be evaluated by a jury composed of Eusko Ikaskuntza and the PuntuEUS Foundation, taking into account criteria such as originality, style, technique and quality, among others.

In order to form the expedition team, account will be taken of the 125 best valued works, as well as the gender, socio-linguistic reality and the origin of the candidates, with the aim of creating an expedition team that takes account of the diversity of the Basque youth.