Euskera “in an emergency”: mobilization in Durango on 7 December
  • Euskal Herrian Euskaraz has convened a national demonstration for 7 December, starting at 6 p.m. at the Landako Gunea in Durango. The association has claimed the need to build a Republic of the Basque Country in the face of the linguistic emergency.

Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 08a
Euskal Herrian Euskaraz Durangon egindako prentsaurrekoan EHE

The demonstration to be held by EHE on 7 December has been announced today at a press conference in Durango. In this sense, he has called for mobilization because he believes that "the need to build the Republic of the Basque Country is more evident than ever". “We have not been going back or moving forward for years. Our destiny is the Basque Country of Euskaldun, for our language and, therefore, a situation of full health for our community. But we're far away, still far away. It is no longer a matter of vision, it is well established and we have to become aware: our language is in an emergency situation,” he said today.

“We went down the road, even though the opposing forces were always there, our language, and therefore we wanted to put an end to that ‘us’. Unfortunately, in recent times, these opposing forces have accelerated and we are experiencing an offensive, an offensive against the Basque people, which comes from the courts, from the main media lines, from the speeches of many unions and parties”, explained EHE.

From Euskera to the world

The advocates of the Basque Country have explained that “this offensive we live in” is not an isolated phenomenon: It is an event that is part of the “rise of the reactionary wave and fascism that is invading the world.” In this way, he stressed the need to deal with fascism "from the Basque and the Basque". On 7 December, the Basque Government called on the Euskaltzales to go to Durango to make Euskal Herria “a source of hope, of inspiration on the road to liberation.” The demonstration will begin at 6 p.m. in the Landako Gunea village of Guipuzkoan.