The Spanish Government rejects the audiovisual bills
  • The Spanish Government has not taken into account the contributions made by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC), the Basque Council of the Basque Country and other actors. As you can read in the text of the preliminary draft, on video platforms such as Netflix, HBO or Amazon Prime, in the case of European works, they must have at least 50% of the quota foreseen "in the official language of the Spanish State or in one of the official languages of the communities". Various groups have denounced that the text does not specify which should be the minimum required with regard to Catalan, Basque or Galician.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko irailaren 21
Argazkia: Tumisu/Pixabay

The Audiovisual Council CAC has requested that 50% of the works offered in the State languages be in Catalan, Basque or Galician because of the precariousness of these languages in the audiovisual sector.

According to the newspaper El Periódico, neither of the two requests made by this body has been taken into account. According to the project, audiovisual media service providers must allocate 5% of their profits to the financing of European works and, of that amount, they must receive 70% of the works of independent producers, either in the official language of the State, in one of the official languages of the communities of all kinds. The CAC claims to double this 5% (up to 10%) in order to have more possibilities to finance works in Basque, Catalan and Galician, but the text does not include this request either.

The Basque Council of Culture has stated that this is a "very worrying" fact. In the coming days, the lehendakari will make a public assessment of the judgment.