The educational system on which the Basque country is based is multilingualism, but the ways of understanding multilingualism do not often coincide. In fact, in the understanding of plurilingualism based on Euskera there is a naive idea that feeds on the tendency to see relations between languages in an idealistic way, avoiding the diglosic situation and the fragile socio-linguistic reality of the minority language, and eliminating the power relations between languages, which is based on a more diffuse concept of linguistic coexistence.
But in the case of the linguistic community such as that of the Basques, it is essential to maintain a permanent linguistic attitude of the educational community which includes the minority language and which has not lost the consciousness of the minority language. Because, without taking into account that Euskera is a minority language, we will hardly advance in the leap towards educational Euskaldunization. Therefore, the understanding of multilingualism that enhances the use of minority language is what interests us, reinforcing the Basque dimension of the curriculum, reaffirming that the linguistic and cultural issue is the most basic central feature of the educational system.
Language in a fragile sociolinguistic situation requires specific compensatory treatment. Offering more resources to balance the situation of inferiority
The ultimate objective of the Basque dimension is to create multilingual pupils who want and use the minority language. But the understanding of multilingualism without speakers of one's own language is doubtful if the necessary details are not given, as language in a fragile socio-linguistic situation requires specific compensatory treatment. Offering more resources to balance the situation of inferiority.
The attempt to satisfy the Basque dimension of the curriculum by the Basque Country and the Basque culture derives from the principle of the ecology of the language, which is the guarantee of coexistence between languages, under which a full centrality must be given to the minority language, taking into account the socio-linguistic reality and by agreeing concrete measures: linguistic planning that will set the course, a strategy of sustainable intervention, a structure of minority language that guarantees a revitalized solution.
The Basque dimension of the curriculum will favor identity adherence through the creation of speaking students, with conscience, responsibility and acquisition of the minority language, which can only be achieved from the necessary cultural and linguistic adhesion to the creation of new speakers who use the minority language. And, at the same time, not only from the Basque Country, but also from the Basque culture, being aware that the Basque Country and the Basque culture go hand in hand, to make an abrasive leap on the road along this gigantic challenge that we carry with us in the discharge.
The new education law should provide resources to ensure the transmission of Basque culture
If it is a path for the development of the Basque dimension, it is found in the capacity of transmission of the Basque culture that the educational system will have, in the attempt to recreate the firm/stable adhesion of the new speakers, in the educational capacity to transmit the entire cultural context that accompanies the language, and in the jump of attachment to the recovery of the welcoming, rooted and vivible vasquity, the transmission of the Basque culture.
The new education law should provide us with the necessary resources to ensure the transmission of Basque culture, achieving the necessary consensus, offering alternatives as real as viable in the responsibility of increasing educational euskaldunization so that the transmission of Basque culture can be developed from the educational responsibility. To develop in depth the Basque cultural curriculum and to extend to the entire educational network a comprehensive plan for the transmission of Basque culture.
Jexux LarraƱaga Arriola